Does the thought of attending a dental check-up make you nervous?
You aren’t alone!
Around the world, dental anxieties and indeed, phobias, frequently make the top 10 list of common concerns that people have. In the past, dental professionals were less than sympathetic to nervous patients but as times have advanced, more dental surgeries than ever before are offering sympathetic dental care to nervous patients. And it’s working!
At Kings Dental in Subiaco, our dental team has helped even the most phobic of patients feel comfortable. We don’t find anything funny about dental phobias and are well-aware of the damage that they can cause to our patients' physical health and wellbeing. We will work with you to overcome your concerns, helping your self-esteem to build and improving your smile at the same time! Great stuff!
But how does our team at Kings Dental in Subiaco achieve this? Read on to find out!
As mentioned earlier, our team at Kings Dental in Subiaco is proud of the services we can offer our nervous and phobic patients. However, for us to help you manage your dental trips, we need you to be open with us from the start! If you come to us as a nervous patient, we can offer you a non-clinical meeting with our team, where you can discuss your fears and worries with us. Many nervous patients find this helpful and can relax in our care once their concerns are out in the open.
If the sound of the drill makes you nervous, why not bring in your phone or an MP3 player to listen to relaxing music? This will help to distract you from the noise of the surgery and will reduce your stress levels. If you forget your music, our team will be happy to arrange for soothing music to be played during your treatment. Great stuff!
There are now innumerable apps and online videos which can guide you through deep breathing or meditation exercises.
If you find you need something a bit more guided than music, why not simply listen to a guided meditation while our team works on your teeth? We will be happy to work around your mediation, but we will need to tap you on the shoulder now and then to talk to you to check in!
For our patients who need more than deep breathing exercises, we can offer you either inhaled or injected sedatives. Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is commonly used to calm the nerves of worried patients but if you want intravenous sedation, you must bring along a friend to take you home afterwards and refrain from operating heavy machinery for 48 hours post-treatment.
If you want to be knocked out for your treatment, our team can arrange this too.
You may need to attend a near-by day centre which is staffed by an anesthesiologist and like the intravenous sedation, you will need a friend to escort you home once the treatment is completed.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to
ensure that the treatment is right for you.