Have you ever taken a sip of water and felt a sharp pain in one or more of your teeth? Do you feel a dull ache when drinking warm tea?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, chances are you have some kind of dental sensitivity.
Not to worry; this an exceedingly common concern that many dental patients have and while it can indicate an underlying issue such as a cavity, in many instances, it simply means your teeth need a bit more protection.
At Kings Dental Subiaco, we know all about sensitive teeth and have helped many people who suffer from them to ditch the pain and eat the foods and drinks they want without issue. Applying a fluoride sealant (or using other treatments in more extreme cases), we will make sure that the sensitive tooth of yours toughens up and allows you to live a life free from discomfort. Great!
But what causes sensitive teeth and how else can they be treated? Our team at Kings Dental Subiaco provides the following short guide for you to get your teeth into.
What is tooth sensitivity?
As we mentioned earlier, tooth sensitivity is a common issue, usually caused by microscopic holes in the enamel which allow air or hot and cold stimuli to hit the nerve of the tooth. This is what causes the discomfort!
It can feel like a sharp pain, a stabbing pain or it can feel like a dull ache after you have eaten or drunk a hot or cold beverage.
What causes sensitive teeth?
So, that's what it is, but what causes it?
According to our team at Kings Dental Subiaco, there are many things that cause sensitive teeth; a key one being untreated cavities.
Or, if you are cavity-free, you may have acid erosion which has exposed the dentine to the air, thus exposing the holes in your enamel. You may even have small cracks or chips in your tooth which is prompting the sensitivity, so if it twinges when you drink, our team needs to have a look!
Many patients also report to us that after they have had a deep filling, they also notice a twinge when eating hot foods; this is normal, but if it persists it can indicate that the filling is loosening and needs refitting. The same applies to crowns.
How do we treat sensitive teeth?
As we mentioned earlier, if there are no fillings needed etc, we will usually apply a fluoride sealant.
If the sensitivity is more intense due to cracks or something similar we will usually clean the area and place a filling or even a veneer if it is purely surface damage. In some extreme cases, root canals can be used to remove all sensitivity.
Preventing sensitivity
There are a few ways to prevent wearing down your enamel and prompting sensitive teeth; lessen your whitening treatments and use a soft-bristled toothbrush at home. Scrubbing roughly can remove enamel and worsen sensitivity.
If you need any further advice about sensitivity, contact us or click HERE to learn more.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.