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Sensitive teeth; a guide from Kings Dental Subiaco

When it comes to dental care, the majority of patients we see complain of a single problem, and that is sensitive teeth.

In recent years, there has been a spike in patients complaining about dental sensitivity, which could be due in part to Western diets that are highly acidic or promote the consumption of coffee or fruit juices. While there is nothing inherently wrong with drinking fruit juice, the acidity (especially in orange juice) can cause the enamel of your teeth to thin and thus heighten sensitivity.

So, what can be done to alleviate this issue?

At Kings Dental Subiaco, our team can treat a wide range of dental issues successfully, including dental sensitivity. Depending on the cause and the severity of the issue, the solutions we offer may differ from case to case, but the underlying aim is to reduce the discomfort that you’re experiencing, so it is well worth it.

In this article, our team at Kings Dental Subiaco offers a very brief guide relating to oral sensitivity, what it is and what can be done about it. So read on and enjoy.

Sensitive teeth; what are they?

Have you ever sipped a cold drink on a hot day and felt a twinge with one or multiple teeth? This is dental sensitivity. It tends to occur most frequently when patients consume hot or cold beverages or foods, but it can also occur when you eat foods that are high in sugar.

Our team at Kings Dental Subiaco are aware of how uncomfortable oral sensitivity can be and will always take patients' complaints about it seriously as it can have a detrimental impact on their lives.

What causes sensitivity?

There are a couple of candidates behind what causes dental sensitivity. In the majority of cases, dental sensitivity occurs because the enamel on your teeth has become damaged, either through erosion or wear and tear. The microscopic holes in the tooth that link the external dentine to the pulp are then exposed to the air, hence why when you take a sip of iced tea, it is uncomfortable. The pulp is reacting to the temperature change. Alternatively, sudden sensitivity to a tooth can be caused by decay or a missing filling or crown, which will need to be replaced as soon as possible to prevent this discomfort from worsening.


The treatment by our Dentist Subiaco for sensitive teeth depends on the severity. For most patients, a fluoride sealant will be enough to prevent further complications, but this will need to be reapplied every six months. For more severe cases of oral sensitivity, our team may offer porcelain veneers that act as a covering between the holes in your teeth and the contents of your mouth. For the most extreme examples of oral sensitivity, our team may be able to offer you a root canal, but this is only considered if all of the previous options have failed to resolve the problem.


Some people are just predisposed to having sensitive teeth, so very little can be done. But your diet plays a large part in preventing most cases of oral sensitivity; therefore, you should aim to reduce your intake of highly acidic foods and drinks as well as use high fluoride toothpaste.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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